HemaClear - limb exsanguination and circulatory blockade device for orthopedic operations
The device performs all three procedures performed during
preparation of limb for surgery:
The pressure exerted by HemaClear ™ is factory calibrated to prevent excessive pressure on the tissues of the operated limb.
Used for orthopedic and trauma operations of both upper and lower extremities.

Removal of blood (exsanguinations) from the operated limb.
Arterial block (occlusion)
Covering the operating area with a sterile stocking.
1. Prevention of Thrombosis
8-12% of patients who underwent surgery for knee or hip joint replacement develop secondary venous thromboembolism.
2. Reducing Infections and Wound Complications Rate
10% of patients have complications, including infectious within 2 months after surgery.
3. Tourniquet Burn Prevention
20.7% of patients have a tourniquet burn on the 4th day after surgery.
4. Tourniquet Neuropraxia Prevention
0.6% of patients have tourniquet cuff neuropraxia, as a result of the use of a wide cuff. More then every 200th patient.
5. Prevention of Blood Loss
Blood loss during surgery of knee or hip joint replacement averages from 0.5 to 1.5 liters.
6. Reduction of Operating Time
Cases of infection during orthopedic operations lasting more than 45 minutes are 16.7% higher.
What is HemaClear for

Instructions for Correct Placement of HemaClear®
Click images to enlarge
HemaClear Catalog

Benetits for Surgeons
Occlusion and arterial block in one product HemaCleat effectively creates a bloodless surgical field and blockade of arterial circulation.
10-12 seconds to apply device on extremity.
Complete occlusion - 95% of the blood is removed from the limb.
Optimum surgical field - the minimal HemaClear area compared to a pneumatic cuff provides the surgeon with a large surface for surgery.
Suitable for all patients - sizes from minimum to largest.
Significantly reduces the time to prepare patient and decreases time tot the anesthesia.
Sterile. Eliminates the need for potentially non-sterile equipment - cuffs, wires connecting to external electrical devices, etc.
Benefits for Administration
Reduced infection rate. Disposable, one time used device eliminates transmission of infection/
Preventing blood loss during the surgery reduces requirement in blood transfusion.